Monday, December 13, 2010


Why hello everyone. I've been thinking a lot about blogs lately. There's always been something fishy about blogs that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Then one night as I was soaking in a lukewarm bubble bath it hit me. In order to own a blog you have to be able to check yes on at least one of three blogging rules.

Blogging Rules:
1. Must be very cool
2. Must be married and/or have children
3. Must be extremely crafty and willing to share ideas with the blogging world.

I don't know why it has taken me this long to figure it out, but i was made to own a blog. I fit all three of the categories. So. Blogging world, look out!!! You are about to be blown away with crafts, children, and coolness. Thank you and goodnight.


  1. I would like to someday meet these children of yours. Someday very soon. Also, I'm glad that lukewarm bath treated you so well. It sounds really relaxing.

  2. HAHAHAHA!!! Can I babysit those kids for you? haha... You are hilar mcgare

  3. Wow, ems! I'm so glad you started a blog so I could learn all of these new things about you. Especially all of the things in your profile! I thought I knew you. Man, was I wrong!
