Hola amigos! Today the world experienced a glorious event. Today was the first time I attempted to highlight a real human's hair. My lovely and willing model was my one of my dearest sisters, Ali Childs. The whole experience was really great. I made record time (only took me 2 hours plus an extra 45 minutes to process. WoW!) and I created a beautiful splotchy weave. It's really to die for! Okay but in all seriousness how could Ali ever look bad. Am I right or am I right?! She totes rocks it!
Exhibit: A

As you can see in exhibit A, Ali is sad and flat out unhappy with her life. she wanted something more vibrant and lively. She was sick of people telling her that she would never learn to tie her shoes or get a job or have a boyfriend. Well I got news for you girl. You can do all those things with your new hair!!!
Exhibit: B

Now Ali, as you can see, is happy and full of life!
Exhibit: C

I guess all i have to say is Ali and I had a great time together and since she held still (kinda sorta) and refrained from talking so much, she got ice cream!!! How neat is that?! That's pretty neat! Ha!
.... No after pictures. Sorry folks.